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Harri Oskari

Both of the two companies I work for are on educational field. The mission of both of the companies is to help young people to learn and live to the fullest. Charity is close to our hearts, and the both companies support organizations and projects focusing on children's eduation.


ASIA EXCHANGE, or AE, enables university students to study abroad in Asia. The destination countries are China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. Our Asian partner universities are among the most prestigious in their respective countries.


The story of Asia Exchange dates back to 2005 when I was studying abroad in China. The semester there was one of the best things I’d experienced so far in my life. My good friend Tuomas participated in the same program and after returning home we started to think how we could help other students gain a similar experience in Asia. We believed that in-depth knowledge on Asia benefits not only the students but also the surrounding societies they live and work at. Students would have the chance to gain international experience in destinations that affect our lives culturally, politically and economically, and employ those skills in their personal and professional lives in the future.


We realized that existing mobility channels were not sufficient enough and started sketching the concept of AE. Our company’s blueprint was and continues to be based on the needs and hopes of universities and outgoing students. After several years of blood, sweat and sweet tears, the first Asia Exchange students travelled to Asia. It was the spring of 2008, and the place was Prince of Songkla University in Thailand. We have been privileged to see hundreds of happy and curious faces participating in our study abroad programs around Asia ever since.


Feel free to explore Asia Exchange at!

















STUDY ADVISORY, the “Tripadvisor of universities”, helps students to find a place to study or share thoughts about their universities and read what others are saying.

Study Advisory helps universities to get more publicity in global level to find prospective students and partners. We want to provide the most cost-effective and appealing way to do university marketing. Find out more at

Asia Exchange - study programs in Asia
Study Advisory - Find your university / Find your students
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